Gay and Bisexual Male Escorts and Masseurs
For the most part, I'm certain that the escorts and masseurs listed in my directory are honest, reliable and provide a good level of service. Unfortunately, sometimes things do go wrong, either due to mismatched expectations or unethical advertiser.
Should you experience a problem with one of the advertisers listed here, please report it using the review link on their profile.
I don't publish negative reviews but I do remove advertisers who consistently cause problems.
The short answer is none. Before publishing a review, I take several steps to judge how genuine it is likely to be. However, as I do not arrange introductions, I can never be certain that the person leaving a review has actually met the escort or masseur concerned.
I can't detail the methods I use to judge reviews, as publishing details would remove their effectiveness. Suffice to say I've caught out advertisers reviewing themselves, each other and other problems which have led me to removing their profiles.
Because I can't be 100% sure that reviews are genuine, publishing negative comments would be unfair. Instead, I remove the profiles of advertisers who cause complaints.
It is not possible for me to provide independent reviews in the same way as Company of Men (formally Daddy's Reviews), after all I am funded by my advertisers, but there's nothing to stop you using an independent review website instead. You will need to be prepared to provide more information however, for example your telephone number.
You may leave a review without giving your name (just type anonymous in the name box) but I will not accept a review without an email address because it makes it impossible for me to:
Remember, your email address is not published alongside the review and you can be confident I will not share your details with others. Please view this website's Privacy Policy for more details.
I'm sorry to hear you had a bad time but it doesn't mean X's reviews are fake. It's entirely possible that the last client X met had fun even though you did not. X could have been having a bad day or the two of you may just not have clicked. It's not humanly possible for an escort/masseur to get on with every client he meets. After all, do you get on with every person you meet at work?
If you do have a bad experience with an advertiser please send a complaint via the review system. Only then may I do something about it.